Laying Back

Posted: May 30, 2011 in Uncategorized

Today has been very laid back… excellent. I got up early this morning (6:30…go me) and powered through a few hundred pages of highly-enlightening reading about pre-nationalist China. I have three chapters left to read tonight, and then I get to move on to…more enlightening reading about pre-nationalist China. Such is life when prelims are one semester away.

I spent the afternoon hanging out with the boyfriend and the cat, neither of which I’ve seen very much of since I’ve been house sitting for almost two weeks now. I’m now all caught up on watching the Deadliest Catch and such.  Anyone else think Captain Derrick has a screw loose?

I’m looking forward to this evening, even though it entails both driving and extra work. It’s vocal practice night with my bass player, during which I sing and he points out all the missed notes, flat pitches, and other troubles and then helps me fix them. It’s an incredible resource for a singer to have a bandmate that has the technical skill set to be able to do this, and I feel quite lucky to be able to put it fully to use in improving my singing. The band’s first show is coming up in just a couple of weeks, which is further motivation to buckle down and really use this time to advance as much as possible while there are still only three other people listening to me.

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